Association Delta
Delta was founded in 2008 in Rijeka (Croatia) with the aim to empower citizens and strengthen their influence in the local community. Over time, Delta has focused on young people as its most important user group. Delta is now mostly focused on youth empowerment through non-formal education and mentoring (especially in the field of education for democratic citizenship and human rights), contributing to the development of youth work and youth policies in Croatia.
Delta has 16 active members and three official representatives:
President: Marin Capan
Executive directors: Ema Žufić and Sara Sušanj
Delta has four employees: Ema Žufić, Sara Sušanj, Nika Krajnović and Maja Obućina, as well as a wide network of volunteers and expert associates.
Delta's activities
Delta’s activities are mainly related to the following areas:
- Contribution to the development of youth work,
- Youth work and non-formal education (with a focus on education for democratic citizenship and human rights),
- Increasing the participation of young people.
Delta’s main activities include: non-formal education (non-formal educational curriculum design, lectures, workshops, mentoring, educational materials), public events (conferences, public forums, roundtables), and activities aimed at influencing public policies (decision-making, advocacy, structured dialogue, facilitation).
Delta is a partner to national and regional organizations that work in the field of youth and the development of a democratic society: the Croatian Youth Network (the biggest national organization that represents youth organizations in Croatia), the GOOD Initiative (advocates for a quality implementation of education for democracy and human rights in the Croatian formal education system) and the DARE network (The Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe).

Mission and vision
Our vision: Responsible, conscientious and proactive young people in a society that hears, respects and supports them.
Our mission: We provide support in developing the potential and skills of young people and implementing their ideas. We empower youth workers and other professionals who work with young people and we are committed to improving the position and role of young people in society.

- Operativni i financijski plan Delte za 2024. godinu
- Operativni i financijski plan Delte za 2023. godinu
- Izvještaj o radu i financijski izvještaj za 2022. godinu
- Operational and financial plan (2022.)
- Financial and activity report (2021.)
- Operational and financial plan (2021.)
- Financial and activity report (2020.)
- Report on audit insight (2019.)
- Financial and activity report (2019.)
- Financial and activity report (2018.)
- Financial and activity report (2017.)
- Financial and activity report (2016.)
- Financial and activity report (2015.)
- Financial and activity report (2013.)
- Financial and activity report (2012.)
- Financial and activity report (2011.)
- Financial report (2010.)


- +385 (0)51 337 279
- [email protected]
Blaža Polića 2/IV 51 000 Rijeka, Croatia
- Sara Sušanj
- [email protected]
- Ema Žufić
- [email protected]