od 01/09/2020 do 31/08/2022
The Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills -TRENDSS


The Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills - TRENDSS je projekt osmišljen kao brzi odgovor na pomak prema online obrazovanju uslijed pandemije COVID-19.

Transnacionalni konzorcij projekta TRENDSS sastoji se od 6 partnerskih organizacija koje djeluju u području obrazovanja odraslih (treneri i trenerice, mentori i mentorice, učitelji i učiteljice, youth workeri koji treniraju mlade, odrasle i pomoćno osoblje): Yes You Can Training & Coaching Kft. (Mađarskea), Helix – Social Innovation Hub (Grčka), Non-formal education youth centre Sunny House (Gruzija), Fundacja Culture Shock (Poljska), NEA (Rumunjska) i Udruga Delta (Hrvatska).

Primarna ciljana skupina projekta su edukatori i edukatorice, osobe koje rade s mladima, obrazovni radnici i obrazovne radnice svih profila. 

Novost projekta TRENDSS leži u integriranom pristupu prepoznavanja potrebe za različitim pedagoškim pristupima u digitalnoj eri i trenutnom odgovoru na pitanja u promjeni obrazovne paradigme, s fokusom na razvoj tzv. „mekih“ vještina.

Ciljevi projekta su: 

  • Podići svijest o "mekim" vještinama u digitalnom okruženju: stvaranje inkluzivne digitalne učionice, komunikacija prilagođena virtualnim platformama, planiranje i priprema digitalnih materijala, vođenje grupe rasprave, davanje i primanje povratnih informacija, motiviranje, poticanje odgovornosti, upravljanje grupnom dinamikom, pokazivanje empatije,
  • Poticati profesionalni razvoj edukatora i edukatorica kroz kreiranje novih materijala za potporu digitalnoj tranziciji (video tutorijala, priručnika i zbirki aktivnosti, online tečaja i dr.).

Osim rada na novim edukativnim materijalima, u okviru projekta održavaju se treninzi za partnerske organizacije i dvije velike konferencije za diseminaciju rezultata projekta.


The Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills -TRENDSS Project was brought to life as a prompt response to the digital shift in educational paradigms generated by the pandemic. The Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) of the European Parliamentary Research Service has just carried out studies recently that analyze current and future threats related to a digital society, alongside currently adopted socio-technical and legal approaches. The studies show the preoccupation of the EU Parlament about the issue and the need to develop an innovative approach to the online education problem. Digital society is a new problem and the solutions will be innovations in training, learning and educational materials.

The Transnational Consortium of the TRENDSS project consists of 6 partner organizations from Hungary, Poland, Greece, Croatia, Romania and Georgia, and they are all experienced actors in adult education (trainers, coaches, mentors, teacher trainers, professors, youth workers training young adults and support staff). Yes You Can Training & Coaching Kft. (Hungary), Helix – Social Innovation Hub (Greece), Non formal education youth centre Sunny House (Georgia), Fundacja Culture Shock /Poland) and NEA (Romania).

The members of the consortium has already established practices of working both face-to-face and online to share knowledge, good practices, experiment, receive feedback and support each other as a community.

The novelty of the TRENDSS project lies in its integrated approach of recognizing the need for different pedagogical approaches in the digital era and by instantly responding to the current issues in the educational paradigm shift by focusing on an area of its members' expertise: the soft skills development.

Planned intelectual outputs: 

  1. Comparative Methodological Guidelines (Theoretical Framework)
  2. The Trainer Survival Kit in the Digital Era
  3. Good Practices - Demo Video Tutorials
  4. Comparative Recommendations Regarding Digital Softwares
  5. The Roadmap for Digital Soft Skill Development - Complex E-learning Solution