od 01/04/2021 do 30/09/2022
Youth in Action - exchange of practices in order to stimulate youth to action


Projekt "Aktivni mladi - razmjena dobrih praksi u cilju poticanja mladih na akciju" KA204-07275249 financiran je iz Erasmus+ programa a provodimo ga s partnerima: zaklada " Wyjdź z Domu" i Kwiatonowickie Stowarzyszenie Homini iz Poljske, InterAktion - Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben iz Austrije i A4ACTION – asociatia pentru initiative si dezvoltare continua iz Rumunjske.  Projekt je namijenjen mladima od 13 do 30 godina (23 osobe) i zaposlenicima osoblja partnerskih organizacija (17 ljudi). Ideja projekta rođena je iz potrebe za povećanjem potencijala i znanja zaposlenika nevladinih organizacija uključenih u edukativne aktivnosti za mlade, promicanje građanskog uključivanja mladih u društvo, pogotovo ono manjih europskih gradova.


Glavni ciljevi projekta su:

1. Povećanje vještina, razmjena iskustava i obrazovnih metoda 17 predstavnika neformalnog obrazovnog osoblja iz partnerskih organizacija na polju rada s mladima, uključivanja zajednice i dobrovoljnog rada kroz sudjelovanje u raznim radionicama i treninzima tijekom 18 mjeseci trajanja projekta.

2. Povećanje vještina i znanja 23 mladih u području socijalnih i građanskih kompetencija kroz sudjelovanje u radionicama i akcijama mobilnosti organiziranim tijekom 18 mjeseci trajanja projekta.



The project " Youth in action - exchange of practices in order to stimulate youth to action" KA204-07275249 is funded by Erasmus+ programme and implemented by Association Delta (Croatia), the Foundation "Wyjdź z Domu" (Poland), Kwiatonowickie Stowarzyszenie Homini (Poland), InterAktion - Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben (Austria) and A4ACTION – asociatia pentru initiative si dezvoltare continua (Romania). The project consortium will implement the project from April 2021 to the end of September 2022. The project is aimed at young people aged 13-30 (23 people) and employees of the educational staff of partner organizations (17 people) - in total, at least 40 people will be involved. The idea of the project was born out of the need to increase the potential and knowledge of employees of non-governmental organizations engaged in educational activities for young people, promotion of civic involvement of young people in a society dominated by mass-media culture as well as aging populations of smaller towns in Central Europe.


The main goals of the project are:

1. Increase of skills, exchange of experiences, and educational methods 17 representatives of non-formal education staff from partner organizations in youth education in the field of community involvement and voluntary work through participation in various workshops and training during the 18 months of the project.

2. Increasing the skills and knowledge of 23 young people in the field of critical competencies, in particular, social and civic competencies, through participation in mobility workshops and actions organized during the 18 months of the project.